4 Best Tips to Prevent Knee Pain

So your knees don’t hurt now. That’s awesome! But, you want to keep it that way, right? Prevention is the best medicine, is it not? We want to do something before a problem arises, if we can, to keep it from becoming a problem in the first place. As they say “A stitch in time …

How to Heal Injuries

Injuries happen. There is no real way to completely avoid injury if you’re going to be doing anything at all. You can minimize, reduce and mitigate injuries, but not remove them completely. So, what should you do when you DO get injured? Knowing how to take care of and heal minor injuries is a must-learn …

Happy Thanksgiving!

What is the REAL purpose of Thanksgiving? 🦃🤔..So many pilgrims died the first winter in the New World. Once spring came they started learning from the Indians how to farm the land, how to forage and hunt and various other survival skills…By fall they had a plentiful harvest. They knew they were going to be …

Resistance Training: What is it?

So, what do you think of when you hear the words “strength training”? What about “resistance training”? Are they the same? If not what are the differences? It’s a common mistake to think lump all resistance training under “strength training”. However, there are several different categories under resistance training and strength is just one of …

Periodization in Training: what it is and how to use it

What is Pedriodization    The first thing we need to do is to define our terms and know what it is that we are talking about. We need to define exactly what periodization is and what the different types are and what that all means. Because periodization, of course is not just one set thing. …

Artificial Sweeteners Versus Sugar

Sugar Controversy For decades many health experts have been telling people to avoid sugar, and some say to avoid carbs altogether. They’ve cited all kinds of ill effects that sugars can lead to and how many calories it adds to your diet. They’ve talked about diabetes, they’ve talked about how addicting sugar can be. And, …