Resistance Training: What is it?

Resistance training 

Strength: low rep/ high weight

So, what do you think of when you hear the words “strength training”? What about “resistance training”? Are they the same? If not what are the differences? It’s a common mistake to think lump all resistance training under “strength training”. However, there are several different categories under resistance training and strength is just one of them. Today we are going to go over the different types of resistance training and what makes them different! So, keep reading!


low weight/high rep
In this type of training, we are working on muscle endurance. Endurance means the ability to keep going for long periods. So, it would make sense that the reps range for this type of resistance training would be high, as the point is to train the muscles to lift for longer.

-Builds muscle endurance
Lifting for longer builds muscle endurance. The body adapts to whatever demands we put on it. So, lifting for longer means that the muscles will adapt to meet a higher demand of time and repetition.

-Help with daily activities
This type of training helps with the activities that we do every day that require stamina, endurance, and repetition. Things like walking, like sitting and standing or anything like that.


-high weight/ low rep
This type of training targets strength. This time we want to lift heavier. As the weight increases, however, the reps must decrease in order to not put too much of a strain on the body. Therefore we are in a high weight/low reps zone.

-Builds muscle strength
The higher weight demand results in the muscles adapting to lift heavier weight. This, in turn, builds muscular strength. However, time to lift isn’t as demanding.

-Help with daily activities
This type of training helps with our daily activities that require lifting heavy objects for short periods of time. Things like loading heavy boxes or moving furniture.


-No equipment
One of the first things about bodyweight training is the lack of equipment. This is a great space saver and a potential time-saver in the set-up and take-down of equipment. This also means it can be done almost anywhere. This removes a couple of barriers that may potentially keep some people from exercising.

When forming habits we want to remove as many barriers as possible. Removing the barrier of having to have equipment makes bodyweight more convenient for many people. Therefore making them more likely to workout. It is also more convenient because it can be done anywhere. Not needing equipment means you don’t have to be in a specific place near the equipment in order to workout. This is another barrier removed making it easier to exercise.

-Good for functional movement
Many bodyweight exercises mimic natural moment patterns. This means it is more functional and realistic in everyday movement. We will be targeting and strengthening the movements we use in our everyday lives.


-mid weight/mid rep
Muscular hypertrophy is best targeted somewhere between endurance and strength. Therefore it falls in a mid-weight/mid-rep zone.

-Not practical
This type of training has no practical application in everyday life. The only real benefit is aesthetics.

-Hard on the body
The mid-weight/mid-rep zone leaves you lifting fairly heavy for a fairly long period of time. This is quite hard on the body. Especially for the lack of real benefits received.

-Bulky has drawbacks
Bulky muscles restrict natural movement and slow you down considerably. This means it is harder to move in everyday life and a certain amount of range of motion is lost due to the size and stiffness of the muscles. This combined with the weight of the muscles does slow down your movement and your reaction time.

Now you’ll think something completely different when you hear “strength training” won’t you? I hope this can also help you find the type of resistance training that is right for you! See you next time!

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