Best Knee Pain Squat Alternatives

Knee pain is no joke! It can vary from a mild discomfort to debilitating pain or even require surgery. It’s an unsightly roadblock getting in the way of all kinds of things we do in our daily lives. Mild severity pain can be a major detour, keeping you from doing squats, as most squat variations put a quite a bit of stress on the knees. However, it is just a detour. We can still find a way to get where we’re going! For severe, or debilitating knee pain, please consult a physician and/or physical therapist. But, for mild pain and discomfort, there are several great alternative exercise that you can trade your squats out for. Lets go over my top five exercises to get you back on course!

  • Glute Bridges
    • Bridges are a great place to start! To do this exercise you lie on the floor on your back. Bend the knees bringing your heels towards your rear. Then push through your heels driving your hips up towards the ceiling. You should feel this, as the name suggests, in the glutes.
  • Feet Closer In V. Further Out
    • The intensity of this exercise can be easily adapted by changing your foot placement. To increase the intensity bring your feet closer in towards your rear. To decrease the intensity, place your feet further away from you.
  • Single Leg Variation
    • The intensity of this exercise can also be increased by performing a single leg variation. In this case you will simply perform the exercise, but instead of two feet on the floor you will lift one leg up in the air. Don’t forget to do this variation on both sides.
  • Step Ups
    • Not comfortable getting on the floor? Step ups are another option that dose not require getting on the floor and all you have to do is step! You will have a bench or a box or a stair step, anything sturdy, and step up onto it then step down and repeat.
      • The intensity of this exercise can be adjusted by varying the height of the step. For a more intense exercise you can raise the height of the step. For a less intense exercise you can use a lower height.
      • Another option to increase the intensity of this exercise is to use weights. You can simply step up onto your step holding a dumbbell or two or a kettlebell. Anything, really.
  • Banded Monster Walks
    • For this exercise you will need a mini band. Take the band and loop it around your ankles. Lean back into your hips a little. Step forward and to an outside angle with one foot and then forward and to an outside angle with the other foot. Take several steps forward followed by several steps backward. Then repeat the exercise.
      • The intensity of this exercise can most easily be adjusted by varying the resistance level of the mini band that you are using. Different bands will offer different levels of resistance, often color coded. Choose a level that is difficult, but that you can take several steps with and maintain good form.
  • Hamstring Curls
    • There are so many options with hamstring curls! One of my favorite is with a large exercise ball. You’ll lay on your back and put your feet up on the ball. Then raise your hips into the air pressing your feet into the ball. Next, roll the ball away from you, extending your feet and roll it back by bending your knees, bringing the ball towards your rear.
      • The easiest way to adjust the intensity of this exercise by varying your speed. Going faster or slower can make it more or less difficult. You can also slow down and focus on either just the roll out or the roll back in. This technique will make that particular portion of the exercise more difficult. Especially if you are focusing maintaining control and good form, as you always should.
  • Banded Lateral Walks
    • Back to the band! This is another exercise using a mini band. Loop the band around your ankles again and lean back into your hips. This time, take a step in one direction and continue in this direction for several steps. Then take several steps in the other direction back to where you started.
      • The easiest way to adjust the intensity of this exercise is, again, to vary the level of resistance on the mini band. The same as before, choose a level that is difficult but that you can take several steps with maintaining good form.

For knee pain approaching a more debilitating level always consult with a physician before starting any exercise program. Attend to any severe problems and put out the major fires first. For a more mild level pain, try these exercises in your weekly program in place of squats and see if this small detour can’t get you back on track!

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