How to Stick to Your Exercise Goals

  Do you want to be more physically active in 2019?

        Hello everyone, Coach Jo here. I have a question for you: Do you want to get active, lose weight feel better or look better in 2019? Have you set these goals before and given up by march? This is all too common every year. People have grand ideas and goals that they give up on. To the point that we even joke about it. So, how can we change this and actually stick to our goals all through 2019? Today I have three tips for you to stick to your goals.

 The three tips:

1- Increments and baby steps

        Tip number one is increments and baby steps. If we try to do it all at once we get overwhelmed. When we get overwhelmed we give up. But, if we can break it down into smaller segments and take it one step at a time it’s much more manageable. Just do one thing at a time, until it becomes a habit. Once it becomes a habit you can add to it. For example; if your goal is to run a 10k, you could start by just walking 10 minutes every day. This is something you know that you can do. It’s important to start with something you know that you can do. This raises your confidence and your belief in yourself. Once that becomes easy and you don’t hardly have to think about it, you could build on that and walk for 15 minutes every day. Then you build on that and so on. Before you know it you’ll be running six miles and you’re ready for your 10k.

2- S.M.A.R.T. Goals

        Tip number two is to use SMART goals. SMART is an acronym that stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

  • Your goals have to be specific because you have to have a defined target. If you aim at nothing you’re sure to hit it every time. If your goal is to exercise, what exercise are you going to do? How much exercise is enough? Saying your goal is to run cuts out all that decision making.  
  • Next, your goals have to be measurable. You have to have a start and a stop. You have to put a number on it so that you know when you’ve reached your goal. For our example, the 10k, our number is 10 kilometers or six miles. When we have run that race, we know we’ve met our goal.
  • Thirdly, your goals have to be attainable. It has to be something you can do. Maybe a marathon is a little out of your reach right now, but maybe you can work up to a 10k.
  • Fourthly, your goals have to be relevant, it has to mean something to you. If it means something to you, you’re much more likely to stick to it.
  • Lastly, your goals have to be time-bound. It has to have a due date. This is like having a due date for a project at school or work. You could say that you want to run your 10k by April or May. Or, it could be any time before the end of the year, as long as you put a date on it.   


3- Track Your Goals

        Tip number three is to Track your goals. Get it on a calendar, in a journal or in your phone, just write it down. Tracking your goals will help encourage you. You can create a streak that you don’t want to break. If you see on your calendar, journal, phone or wherever you’re tracking your progress, that you’ve walked 10 min every day this week, come Saturday you are much more likely to get out and walk again. You can also look back much later and see your overall progress, which is also encouraging.  

Parting Shot

        It can be difficult to stick to goals, but it doesn’t have to be this way. If we take a step back and break our goals down and turn them into habits they become much more manageable. If we also take the time to make sure that we set SMART goals we have a much better chance of seeing them through. When we feel discouraged we can find what we need to keep going if we track our goals and can see the progress that we are making. Don’t give up on your goals this year, make 2019 the year you do it!


Hello! Thank you for stopping by my blog! My name is Jo Tabor, and I’m a very newly ACE Certified Personal Trainer. I am also currently working on my ACE Health Coach certification as well. Here I will share with you what I am learning about health and fitness.

Sincerely,  Coach Jo