Why “Get Healthy”?

What is healthy?

Being healthy is not just being free from ailments, there is more to it. One of the first things we need to do is discuss what exactly “healthy” is. Sometimes it may seem daunting because we don’t know what exactly healthy is. It can seem hard to obtain. The World Health Organization defines health as: A state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.  (WHO) This leads us to the reasons why we should be healthy; We will have more energy, we will be in a better mood, and we will make friends and strengthen existing relationships.

 The reasons why
  1. More energy: Regular exercise and proper nutrition increase energy reserves. This is our physical well being.  
    • The first reason to be healthy is for energy. There are a couple of ways this is achieved:
      • Nutrition: If we eat well our bodies will be well. For optimal energy, our bodies need certain nutrients such as fats, carbs, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. When these are properly balanced, we feel our best. We also have to think about the quality of the food we are putting into our bodies. What would happen to our cars if instead of gasoline we put cooking oil into it? It wouldn’t be pretty, because the vehicle was not designed to run on cooking oil. If we eat things that our bodies are not designed to run on we are in a very similar situation.
      • Exercise: When we exercise, we condition our bodies. Our muscles get stronger and our hearts beat more efficiently, better circulating blood and oxygen. This also actually lowers our resting heart rate. What this means is that we will better be able to handle greater levels of energy expenditure, therefore having more energy. Our bodies will grow accustomed to higher levels of activity.
  2. Better mood: Exercise and proper nutrition trigger endorphins that make you feel better. This leads to our mental wellbeing.
    • Another reason to be healthy is for enhanced mood. This also has the same two components:
      • Nutrition: Once again giving our bodies proper nutrition helps our bodies operate better. Your brain needs certain nutrients as well, if it is lacking in nutrients it won’t function optimally. If our brains are not functioning properly our brain chemistry will be off and we will moody and even possibly depressed.
      • Exercise: On the exercise side, exercise releases endorphins. These endorphins are mood enhancing chemicals. This means that our brain chemistry is improved, and we feel better. Also, the sense of accomplishment in completing a workout makes us feel better about ourselves and our lives.
  3. Make friends and strengthen relationships. If you join a workout class or walk with a friend, this brings in the social element.
    • The last reason I want to talk about today is that a healthy lifestyle can strengthen your relationships and help you create and develop new friendships. If you walk (or do anything else) with a friend or family member you will be spending time with that person. It will give you a chance to be together, to talk and enjoy each other’s company. Joining a workout class or a martial arts or dance school is a great way to meet new people. Every new person you meet is a potential new friend, and the shared class is a great way to bond.
Final thoughts

I know this all sounds like basic stuff. That’s because it is. But sometimes we need to be reminded of the basics. Improving your health is not an easy task sometimes., so it can be helpful to remind ourselves why we started down this journey. And for those of you who are still just contemplating improving your health, I hope this gives you the gentle nudge you need to take the next small step. I say next small step because, my friend, you have already taken the first. Yes, you have already taken the first step by reading this post. And I am very proud of you for taking that first small step! You can do it!